Inspiring Women in Business
As a business owner, Jacquie knows firsthand the importance of mentorship. Work with Jacquie through one-on-one mentorship, group presentations or information sessions on business basics. Mentorship programs can be created to suit your needs and you will not only gain strategies for success but the opportunity to continue learn from other women in business at every stage of your journey.
Keynote Presentations and Workshops
As a business owners Jacquie Fenske and Bryanna Kumpula-Yung know firsthand the importance coaching can make in the success of an operation. Work with Jacquie and Bryanna through one on one coaching or group presentations on business basics. Training modules can be adjusted to suit your needs to creating strategies for success by learning from another entrepreneurs.
Need a dynamic and engaging speaker for your next event or a facilitator to help set a strategic path for your organization? Look no further than firebrand, motivator and serial entrepreneur, Jacquie Fenske. Drawing from her experience as a teacher, politician, business owner, volunteer and community builder Jacquie is passionate about inspiring others. Entrepreneurship cannot be taught, only encouraged. Let Jacquie be your guide and trainer as you set out to make a change in the world. Be bold. Be eager. Collaborate. Visualize success.
Idea girl, flower farmer, foodie and serial entrepreneur, Bryanna is an agriculture and food enthusiast who loves providing inspiration through stories. Bryanna is an unconventional systems navigator who has a passion to build purpose driven businesses using research, networks and creativity for social impact.
Jacquie and Bryanna will take you on a journey from dreaming, to scheming, to implementing and can tailor their presentations and courses to suit you and your audience.
Topics include but are not limited to leadership, community building entrepreneurship and envisioning success. Modules include: How to start a small business, How to Run a small business, Media Interactions (more than just media training), Effective Marketing on a Budget, Creating Partnerships, as well as training in customer service and community positioning.
Want to know more about Jacquie’s presentations and training modules? Email her at
Want to contact Bryanna? Email her at